Dua for Bangladesh

We pray this message finds you in good health and strong faith.

Our beloved brothers and sisters in Bangladesh are currently facing severe political unrest and violence. This turmoil has resulted in widespread suffering, with many families living in fear and uncertainty.

At the Human Development Fund (HDF), we are deeply concerned about the current crisis in Bangladesh, a country where we operate and have seen firsthand the resilience and strength of its people. The situation is critical, with reports of violence against opposition groups, mass arrests, and significant disruptions to daily life. The people of Bangladesh are enduring immense hardship, and it is our duty to support them through our prayers.

On top of this, on June 18th, heavy monsoon rains impacted the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar in southeastern Bangladesh, causing flash floods and 773 landslides, resulting in casualties and extensive damage.

In these trying times, we turn to Allah ﷻ for His infinite mercy and assistance. We ask you to join us in making heartfelt du’as for the safety and well-being of all those affected.

“O Allah, bring coolness and peace upon Bangladesh and its people. O Allah, all hope is cut off except from Your mercy. O Allah, be their helper and supporter.

Ya Allah, have mercy on their weakness and lack of means, heal their wounds, grant the oppressed victory, and envelop them in Your mercy, O Allah.”

May Allah ﷻ grant relief, safety, and peace to our brothers and sisters in Bangladesh and across the entire Ummah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Our prayers are a powerful support and a source of strength for those enduring these hardships. Your continued du’as and supplications are greatly appreciated during these trying times.

Jazakum Allah Khaiyran for your compassion, concern, and supplications.

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

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